Thursday, 8 August 2013

chapter 6

  Hi, Its 3 am, dawn, i was on my bed 2 hours ago, couldnt get myself to sleep .
So i decided to wake up, grab my pen and pad to do a little writing. Its been a really busy weeks for me. Seems like everything just came to me without giving me a pause or take a breath. Probably its not the best time for me to say, but i really want to tell my team mate plz "cut me some slack". I didn't tell them cause everyone is working hard on their own portfolio assignment and group assignment.
  I am responsible in the story department. So far i don't feel any stress or difficulty to think of gags for my story, but one thing that always concern me is......I have to duel with my friend who is working with me in the same department. He has a sense but we don't always see eye to eye due to the reason he thinks my idea wont work.Well gotta be honest in this, you have to be pretty confident when you are presenting your idea with them especially my team mate( too quite), we gotta jump out of the box, and exhilarate in the universe that's what i think if you want to have a entertaining stories and gags. We got different opinions, so in order to let your idea to be convincing you have to waste a lot of breath telling them. Yea, i successfully  talk them through because i don't want to waste most of our time thinking we are doing it wrong. So to build the group confidence and morale you have to be sure that you are doing it right. In the end, yea the mentor didn't comment about what we are doing wrong, we still in the right track and that's fine for me haha.
  I don't bad mouth my team mate but i treat them equally as i treated my best friend and anyone i met. This is my blog the reason i'm blogging is to record all the process i have been through during a final year group work project. So, sorry for you have to read something i pissed off but this is a blogging of a real shit. So be fortunate if somebody unknown to you share their experiences to you XD( just joking).  Sometimes, you will just feel like you're fire up when it comes to people doubting you. I have this feeling, seriously is it because of my attitude love to prank and easy going giving people impression of not reliable? i don't think so man. There is few times, my team mate wanted to change the logline and the change the decision of  primary character into secondary character. I was so fire up that time, what has already be approved by the mentor we shouldn't go and change. What would you gain? if you change things that has already approved, you only making your work even more. I would say its a waste of effort but i still managed to not let my temper controls me. i didn't let them change unless the mentor approve it, so they went to ask the mentor. Guest what the mentor says?

  Hell yeah this is what i said inside my heart. Of course its No, i mean you cant change anything just because you feel like or follow your intuition without a solid reason. Guest how much time we have spent in the discussion due to this simple doubting of teammate...... I know my team mate they are hardworking and too careful of little bit details sometimes too much if these things really stress people out. I have to bear with them because all these conflicts is basically form from too much of consideration of making a kick ass animation. I am different, i have an average skill of technical but i can think quite flexible and quick cuz i have a wild imagination when i was kid so i am very clear of the big pictures and clear of the direction of we sailing to. However, i would only keep all this in my mind without telling them shouldn't doubt me because i am going to prove them with my actions instead of my tongue.
  After the incident, me and my team mate we all grew stronger bonds( at least this is what i think).
Its been joyful to work with them last couple days and i cracked a lot of jokes to make them laugh, this is my way of group work, work under no stress and enjoy it. Most people work hard just to accomplish things this is the way i don't think its work for me . So that's the different between me and my team mate. You can only be yourself let people accept you, of course you have to be tolerate and considerate other people as well. I am blessed with team mate that are so hardworking and i m truly honor to contribute my ideas to them. This is God arrangement my friends(unknown readers), so i have to walk the path my father has shaped for me. Amen
  BTW, this blog suppose to be updated last 2 weeks ago, but  who cares? This is my blog, peace.

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